The prices below are for experienced, competent climbers using the facility unsupervised. If you’ve never climbed before, check out our Give It A Go options!
Concession & aged 14-17 entry: £14.50
Children aged 8-13: £10.50
Under 7s: £7.50
10 Standard Entries: £120
Once you’ve registered to climb you can buy entries through your Capitan login, or in person at Boulders.
No pre-booking is necessary for competent climber entries.
Concession discounts are available, please ask a member of staff.
Concession, U18 & Family Pricing Available
Rolling payments: no Direct Debit, no minimum term, no set up fee.
You’re totally in control of your own membership through your Capitan login
Monday 10:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 10:00-22:00
Wednesday 10:00-22:00
Thursday 10:00-22:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Saturday 09:00 -20:30
Sunday 09:00-18:30